
Submit Your Music

Are you an independent Christian artist? We'd love to hear your music. Please provide the information requested below. Your submission will be considered for the VOW Radio Streaming Playlist through Spotify.

PLEASE FOLLOW US on Spotify - [CLICK HERE]  to go to the playlist and follow.

YOU MUST INCLUDE A LINK TO YOUR SONG ON SPOTIFY. Only artists with music already listed on Spotify will be considered. In addition, please provide your main website link as well in the message box.

Submitting your music does not guarantee acceptance or a response. Thank you for your interest in VOW Radio.

Voice of Worship Radio (VOW Radio) is an outreach of The Ministry of Aaron's Revival Project (ARP). To learn more about how you can support this ministry and it's other projects, visit www.AaronsRevivalProject.com.

Contacts us at ministry@aaronsrevivalproject.com.

Voice of Worship Radio - VOW Radio - Shawn Thomas

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